It was January 1st, 1998. I was staying at a friend’s condo looking down over the Fraser River Valley near Winter Park. It was New Year’s morning and I woke before the sun rose. Pulled on my Sorrells, winter gear and slung my camera bag and tripod over my shoulder. It hadn’t snowed in a week or more. The snow had turned to Depth Hoar – a frozen crystalline sugary substance. The hillside down to the frozen Fraser was steep with three feet of snow and then there were willows on the banks to navigate to the frozen channel. After an arduous and furious 15 minute slog to the river I made it out to the ice. Set up. Compose. No time to wait. The sunrise was full on happening! Just shoot intuitively. The sky turned to fire over the Continental Divide above Berthoud Pass. A 35mm Nikon F4 with 55mm Nikkor Lens with an F-Stop set at f32 and shutter speed at 2 seconds was used to capture the powerful sunrise, steam rising and frozen crystals grown on the rivers surface.