Chasing it forever and to no end. Light eludes me.
No small commodity to be traded. No price high enough to pay.
It inspires.
It’s subtle interplay with substance. Intoxicating.
Chasing light is a matter of great consequence.
Omnipresent. Fleeting it fades from view. Revealing. Then retreating in haste.
Stretching through valleys. Gracing peaks. Veiled shadows. Long over plains.
Reflecting waters. stillness. within.
Dancing on edges of movement.
Illuminating super natural phenomena. Causing to pause in awe.
Hours. days. nights. years. i am Filled with the preoccupation of it’s Power.
Humbly. i go. in pursuit. Infinite Treasures await me.
Images are all that remain.
Light. Above all—is Colorado’s currency.