Cataract Creek, at the base of the east side of the Gore Range, plummets from the Upper Cataract Lake through the woods over cliffs as it spills over drop-after-drop to Lower Cataract Lake. Early one July, I hiked up Cataract Creek from the west edge Lower Cataract Lake through a heavily wooded slope leads to top of the first drop and cascade. The spray from the falls filled the woods, when I found an old tree stump worn smooth laying down the stream’s bed. I set my tripod up precariously in the flow of the stream to capture depth of field and the feeling of the falls dropping off the cliff, and water flowing around me.
A Nikon FE2 35mm camera with a 24mm lens, F-Stop f-22, shutter speed at 2 seconds and Fuji Velvia Film (ISO50) were used to capture this photo of Cataract Creek.